librarian cartoon

  • Books and audiobooks - 4 weeks
  • DVDs -  4 weeks
  • All items, except Inter Library Loans, will auto-renew 2 times by default.  (Login to your account to change auto-renew preference.)
Fines and Fees:
  • Library cards - Free to Grantsville residents/ $10 a year for non-residents.
  •  We no longer charge overdue fines.
  • However, when an item becomes 30 days overdue, the item is considered lost and the replacement cost is charged to the account.
Code of Conduct:
  • Comply with all laws, policies, and staff requests.
  • Avoid any behavior that interferes with another patron's enjoyment of the library.
  • Avoid any behavior that is inconsistent with appropriate library use.
  • Avoid activities that can be expected to damage or obstruct library property of the property of others.
  • Food and drinks are allowed but not near computers or other electronic equipment.
  • Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • We accept donations of clean items in good condition, published within the last 20 years.
  • Donated items will be added to the collection, sold, given away, or discarded at the library's discretion.

Check out the Grantsville City Library Policy Manual for further details.
And our Strategic Plan.