Treatment Plant

Current Facility and Needs

The current facility consists of a pump station, headworks building (screening and grit removal), aerated lagoons, additional storage lagoons, and disinfection. The site includes one lagoon equipped with submerged diffusers, two additional lagoons equipped with surface aerators, a fourth lagoon used for effluent storage, and five additional lagoons that are occasionally used for temporary overflow/storage and flow balancing. Treated effluent from the WWTP discharges into a drainage ditch that flows into the Blue Lakes area northeast of the lagoons.  The lagoons were updated in early 2000s to improve reliability for removal of wastewater constituents including biological oxygen demand (BOD), and ammonia.  Due to more stringent effluent phosphorous requirements implemented in the 2019 permit, the plant has difficulty reliably meeting effluent phosphorus (P) limits. 
Why replace the current plant?
The lagoons are not equipped to meet effluent P requirements and operators anticipate exceeding the total effluent P load this year.  This violation will normally trigger a 5-year window in which planning and implementation to bring the WWTP into compliance is expected. Chemical addition could be added to the lagoons to improve effluent P levels and meet permit. This could likely be installed within 6 months of completing design and has already been discussed with operators. However, given the anticipated rapid growth of the service area and future flow/loading, a larger-scale upgrade to address effluent P and increase total capacity are recommended. For more details please read the 2022 Wastewater Treatment Plant Study.
Will this increase my sewer rate? 
Grantsville City recently finished an impact fee analysis to ensure that new development pays for its proportional share of the new facility.  We are currently having a fee study conducted for our current rates to make sure they will be adequate for the new treatment process.  We will keep you updated as we know more.  
March 2023  - Requesting Statements of Qualifications from engineering companies for review of the 2022 Wastewater Treatment Plant Study, design, and construction management of treatment facility.
2023-2024 - Explore funding options, rate studies, and start design of the facility.
2025-2026  - Construction of new facility.
Please share your feedback.